Friday, August 22, 2008

Hillsong's eve

I'm up too late right now, considering that I'm having to get up at 7ish in the morning to get in the car and drive to houston. But I'm perfectly fine with that.

I think that I have an addiction to hillsong. I think that I am biased to certain bands and types of music due to my insane appreciation (i.e. love) of the music behind the songwriting of Joel Houston and Marty Sampson and Matt Crocker...and all the others. I mean, if you were to listen to the backing track (instrumentals, no singing) version of All of the Above, you would be blown away by the complexity and depth and creativity that goes into every part of every song. But thinking back to when I was just beginning to play guitar in a band and sort of shape my sound, I was heavily influenced by hillsong, much more than any other band, artist, group, whatever you want to call them. Michael Guy Chislett, a former guitarist of Hillsong, now guitarist of "The Academy Is..." is my biggest role model as far as tone and style of play goes. But even Joel Houston, though he doesn't play electric primarily, is a huge influence, and I admire his character; most of all his songwriting. So this weekend is gonna be a lot of Jesus...but also a lot of me being kinda starstruck. which I'm totally fine with :)

Anyhoo, since I know that this weekend is gonna be ridiculously amazing and life changing, I want to remember it all, and not forget a thing - which is why I'm planning on writing a bunch during it and after and before. I want to remember the whole experience and be able to kind of track God's movement in me. So expect a lot of new stuff here...not that there already hasn't been.

I am excited, but I know I'm not as excited as I should be. I don't think it's quite hit me yet...the whole thing. But I can't wait, and I'm expecting heaps from God...we'll just have to see what exactly happens!

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